Sunday, June 29, 2014

Heat VS. Cold for Rheumatod Arthritis...

Heat vs. Ice



Some more helpful information provided by #Everyday Health:

Cold Therapy for Rheumatoid Arthritis

If your joints are inflamed, it makes sense that something cold could ease the inflammation and thus the pain. The main benefits of cold therapy are reducing inflammation, swelling, and soreness, as well as temporarily relieving joint pain caused by an arthritis flare.
Like heat therapy, cold therapy comes in several forms. Cold packs that you place directly on an aching joint include everything from the minimalist — bags of frozen peas or gel packs found at the drugstore — to complete systems of coolers, cooling pads, and devices shaped to certain parts of the body, including the knees and back.
Another simple method of cooling the joints is a cool-water soak in a tub — just don't let the water get so cold that you become chilled. And there are widely available over-the-counter cold sprays and ointments, such as Bio Freeze or CryoDerm, that relieve inflammation by numbing the nerves.
One word of caution about cold therapy: If you have Raynaud's syndrome, a condition in which small blood vessels in the fingers or toes constrict when exposed to cold, you probably should not use cold therapy on the affected part of your body. Of course, you should always consult your doctor or physical therapist before trying heat or cold therapy for rheumatoid arthritis.
Follow these guidelines for safely using hot and cold therapy for rheumatoid arthritis:

Tips on Using Heat Therapy for RA

  • Use safe heat sources, including hot towels, hot tubs, showers or baths, hot water bottles, microwaveable hot pads, and electric heating pads.
  • To prevent burns, do not use heat for excessive lengths of time (follow manufacturers' guidelines).
  • When using heating pads or hot water bottles, place a towel or cloth between the heating pad or hot water bottle and your skin.
  • Be careful to check your skin for redness often while applying heat and remove the heat source if redness occurs.
  • Follow all manufacturers' instructions when using a paraffin bath device.

Tips on Using Cold Therapy for RA

  • Use a bag of frozen peas, wrap ice in a thin towel, or use commercially available cold gel packs for cold therapy.
  • Avoid applying ice or cold packs directly to the skin — use a towel or cloth between the cold device and the skin.
  • To avoid frostbite, do not apply cold for more than 15 minutes at a time.
  • Allow your skin to return to normal temperature and color before using cold again.
If you're using one of these hot or cold methods and it doesn't bring relief, or it seems to make your rheumatoid arthritis symptoms worse, talk to your doctor.

More questions about Rheumatoid Arthritis answered by #Mayo Clinic:

MORE FROM #The Arthritis Foundation

Monday, June 23, 2014

#Support Groups for #RA are a bad idea?...#Crochet for your health !


Just a link to an article I found interesting:

I recently joined a couple of Facebook groups made up of people with #Rheumatoid Arthritis because I thought it would be good for me.   I thought it would help me get through the day with people who understood this disease. Some posts are nice and refreshing, but I need to "weed out" the ones that are so disturbing to me.  Remember what works for some people doesn't work for the majority.

But I have noticed that I am more depressed because I am reading more and more and people are sharing more and more.   What's up with this feeling?   I am beginning to think I am one of those people who doesn't need to be in a support group…how can that be?  According to "#Psychology Today", I need to shop around and not feel bad that the group I chose wasn't a "fit" for me.

Also these groups I joined were "on-line" groups and people from all over wanting information, grasping for relief, complaining about doctors, praising doctors and this is all so very depressing (but needed) so it is truly hard to break off from the groups.  When you are also dealing with ISOLATION, like I am, POSITIVE thoughts and posts are needed.

Moving to a new town two years ago was a good idea.  But the more I isolate myself the worse I withdraw from everything.  Let's face it not having any friends where you live is isolating enough.  I love to crochet and have visited the local yarn shop and they were very nice.  So why haven't I gone back to just hang out?  

Well, if you plan an activity, like going to the yarn shop, for tomorrow, you never know how you will feel the next morning.   If you feel well, then go, but if you don't, you can't even try to go.  So that makes you not want to plan the activity the next time.   We all know how frustrating this can be, not only for yourself, but others involved.

I tried to locate a #support group in my area and haven't found one.  I think it would nice to form a group that is small, people have same interests and hobbies to they could meet, have coffee, bring their craft and socialize and not dwell on the negative aspects of this disease.

I know we all need an outlet to discuss the disease, but I believe we need more than that.  We need to be positive, laugh and enjoy each other as well.

 Don't get me wrong, support groups are great and you always love hearing a good report, but when we sit and read about all the disasters it really brings you down.    Everyone is trying to cope with this disease, everyone needs family and friend support, everyone needs a good doctor, everyone ALSO needs positive days too.  

Everyone has "flares" which are awfully painful but I find mine are most often brought on by stress.  You have to admit only reading and "googling" every aspect of this disease can only bring you down.  Give yourself a break and search for the good.   If you are going to read all the negatives every day, when you are finished, read SOMETHING POSITIVE and end on a good note.   It helps !


One of the most important things I find is having a hobby.  If you truly have a lot of time on your hands, #Crochet a #Bus !!!

Check out this link:

  Just discovered this on Google:  Kathryn Vercillo is the author of Crochet Saved My Life

Cannot wait to read and learn more on this subject.  Will update later.

Johnel's photo

SLOW DOWN...Don't get all upset and feel like I am bashing Support Groups, I'm just saying we need to have positive reactions in our day-to-day lives.   Read what you need, but leave the rest behind and end your daily reading on a positive note !

Friday, June 13, 2014

#Facebook #Woes & Cons...

I came across this article when I thought of a new subject for a blog post and decided to "Share"... what a gut-wrenching story !

"Excerpt from article in The Atlantic Magazine

In some cases it does.  I love seeing pictures from my children who live across the country, friends who live across the country, relatives across the country and their families.  Yes, it is great to keep up with family and friends you don't see every day, but the trouble is we never are far away from our computers or phones.  Yes, I take my phone everywhere, except I draw the line on the bathroom! Like the excerpt from the article states, "Among 18 - 34 year- olds, nearly half check Facebook minutes after waking up, and 28 percent do so before getting out of bed".   How sad is this?

Of course, my generation turned on the TV in the morning for the news and weather before heading out the door for work.   We got in our cars, without a phone, turned on the radio to our favorite music channels and had a few moments of peace while traveling to our workplaces.  We didn't need to talk on the phone, or text to begin our day.  I have gotten to the point that for years now I haven't turned on a NEWS channel because it is so depressing for me. 

Suffering from #Rheumatoid Arthritis is depressing in itself but I am just as guilty of grabbing my coffee and head for #Facebook to see what is happening with friends and family.

The workplace and schools are  saturated with workers and students checking their Facebook page during the day (when I was in school you couldn't chew gum!!!), grabbing their phones when they receive a notification of someones baby taking their first steps, or someone spewing their political views, who is getting married, who is divorcing, funny pet pictures, videos galore, shark attacks, who caught the largest fish, who died, what your friend ate for lunch, why you should eat the food you eat and why you shouldn't eat the food you eat, who graduated from pre-school, kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, high school, prep school, college, the next high school reunion, the latest "Housewife" (you know OC, NJ, BH, MIAMI, NY) who is getting married, having a baby or getting divorce, who had an affair, what she wore on the "red carpet", what plastic surgery they had and how many, where they went on vacation, syrupy posts about husbands, wives, kids, grand kids, the latest of "what to wear", how to decorate, "cute" quotes, prayers, how much we love our jobs, how unfair our bosses and teachers are, the first time Little Johnny pooped in the potty, selfies, "throw-back" Thursday pics, "share if you love your children posts", what businesses you should love/hate, what you can do for the environment, or "what" you are "doing" to the environment, self-help groups, what's new with technology, etc.

Now look to the right of your FB screen, and ponder whether you should click on the myriad of commercials (now FB takes all of your activity and helps you out by CHOOSING which ads you receive), or how to find your high school friends that you haven't seen in 40 years and who you didn't like 40 years ago, or which "friends" you should add by stalking your friends' FRIENDS.  This should keep you busy for six hours or more!!!

Now, let's see, I'm sick of seeing so-and-so's posts,  should I "defriend" so-and-so?  What the hell is defriend? 

Let's first of all settle the debate of "Unfriend" or Defriend"...from the horse's mouth:

NOW, you have the dilemma of deciding if you want to see someones posts, DO I HIDE ALL THEIR POSTS?, DO I DE-FRIEND THEM?, DO I IGNORE AND SCROLL THROUGH THEIR POSTS because they will know if I de-friend them?  I don't want to hurt their feelings, but I don't like their opinions on most topics or their political views, so what should I do?  Of course, this dilemma just adds to your "everyday woes". 

NOW, if you decide to respond to a post, WHICH EMOTICON do I use in my comment to a friend's post?  In case you don't know the meaning of "Emoticon" here it is:

And if you are corrected by your granddaughter when referring to these cute little pics as "emoticons" when they are called "emojis" in her world, here is that definition:

So which one you prefer Emoji or Emoticon here are some examples:

Do I  "Heart" it?    Do I "Smiley face" it?,   Do I "Poop" it?    Do I "airplane" it?  These are all big decisions.  Do you want to do the "cute" thing or the "politically correct" thing or the "I love it" thing, the "I'm OK with it" thing or the "I hate this" thing?

Now I am totally bewildered over which Emoticon or Emoji to use.  I sit and scroll through all of these FREE pictures for five minutes that I can use to tell my friend how I feel about their post.  NOW,  I have TOTALLY FORGOTTEN what the post was about and NOW I really don't want to post a comment because I really don't care in the first place !!!

Back to the subject matter of Facebook causing loneliness.  For me, it helps me some days because I am lonely and it does keep me connected, whether good or bad.  Some days, believe it or not, it motivates me because I tell myself to get the hell off FB.  On those not so happy days dealing with #RA pains and anxiety, FB can really give me a boost.  AND there are days when I "flip the lid" on my MAC and hit the couch with an old movie and say NO to FACEBOOK and of course, wash, cook and clean, paint and crochet!

All in all, times have changed and most of us don't want to be left out of the "Loop" so we use what tools are available to keep us "posted".  LOL

So I say, put on your pearls, earrings and lipstick and have a great day with or without FACEBOOK !!!  There is always something to be grateful for, PINTEREST !  HA

Sunday, June 8, 2014

"Steal Like An Artist"....GREAT Austin Kleon...

"Steal Like an Artist" by: Austin Kleon

"Garden District Lady" by Johnel - sold -

The Garden District Girl I painted came from inspiration from the painter van Dongen, I just put my own spin on his style.

"Doberman" - by Johnel - sold-

My inspiration came from an artist that showed her paintings at a local art show in my hometown.  I bought one of her paintings and still enjoy it.

"NOLA legs 3" by Johnel - sold -
My inspiration for this series of paintings came from Betsy Johnson.  I love her socks and leggings of which I have several pairs, so I used a backdrop of News Orleans newspapers, worked from photos I took on the streets of New Orleans and also added my own patterns.

"Pin Wheels" by Johnel (the  centers of flowers are rolled magazine pages

"Pink Vase" by Johnel (the centers of these flowers are yellow tissue paper)

"Martha's Table" - by Johnel -sold- (These were done with newspaper clippings many years before I discovered Christy Kinard

"Kelly & Kevin" - by Johnel - sold- also painted many years ago

One of my favorite artists is Christy Kinard.  I gathered newspaper, old scraps of paper, tissue paper and slivers of old magazines, mod podge and created my own flowers.  They are hanging in my home and I love them.
excerpt from "Steal Like an Artist" by Austin Kleon

"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery"

This brings me to a book I just discovered while whiling away time on Pinterest. Erika pinned a list for 10 books you should read and her review of "Steal Like An Artist" prompted me to head to the bookstore.   So glad I did.

Here is Erika's blog: and also a link to the author's website:

I do love my computer, but there is nothing like picking up a book (armed with pen & highlighter) to really feel it.  And who knows, maybe it will make you make something, crochet, paint or just feel good.

This passage made we want to jump in the car and head for a park, be one with nature, as the saying goes !

We all love it when magic happens.  That new idea for a great project.

Wanderlust is setting in !!!

Keep a praise file.  Love this idea.  He talks about having dark days and he pulls out his "Praise File" and delights in it, but warns not to get too wound up in past praises for too long.


"Marry Well" favorite page.   I am truly grateful for my husband of 28 years.  He is the "chosen one" for me.   He understands everything, doesn't agree with all, but the ONE THING HE UNDERSTANDS AND AGREES with is my crazy, creative self.  He has always stood behind me and pushed me into my painting or whatever my next endeavor might be.   He praises my work and puts up with me.  He is kind, loving and patient.  He loves our home, wherever it might be, and allows my creativity to spew forth on the walls.  He says he likes living in an art gallery ! 

NOW, go out and buy the book !  
Here's a link to help with that:

Like stumbling onto a pin on Pinterest and discovering a "good find" !

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

#Count Your Blessings...

Count your Blessings:

Link to "The Secret" - Count your blessings:

When you are totally depressed, anxious, feeling down, emotionally drained, physically drained and worried about all life throws at you, what do we need to do?

Count your blessings.   Living with Rheumatoid Arthritis is an everyday struggle and when you worry, it brings more of the same.

While checking my email account Sunday, I came across an email from "The Secret".   It is always uplifting to read these articles but this one struck me and made me sit up and listen.

Self-help books are not usually my cup of tea, but the two that I keep going back to in times of despair are #"The Secret" and #"The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron.

When you are in the depths of anxiety, it is very hard to find the "get up and go", especially dealing with #Ra,  but somehow these two books help, that is when I dust off the covers and read a little passage.

Our landlord has decided to sell the home we live in, so we have to move.  The stress from just thinking about this move sends me over the edge.   We can't afford this move, not to mention who is going to pack this whole house?

The only place we have found that is affordable is missing one room.  So that means, down-sizing and getting rid of pieces of furniture that I like.   I didn't say "need", just like.  I have only a few pieces that I have collected over the years and I know that it is "only" a thing, but I have a strange attachment to some "things".

Time is slipping away and I need to have a garage sale, not only to purge, but to make a little money for the move.  So after reading my email from "The Secret", two days ago I began the exercise described in the article.  Hopefully, this exercise will bring a new light into my life and bring good things my way.

Just thought I would blog about this and hope it will help others with their struggles.  Being positive is not easy, but I need to try.  I am on my third day of making my Gratitude list.  Here is a little boost from the article to get you started on your list:


Thought I would add a favorite dish my cousin gave me years ago.  When you are tired of the meals you make, try this Mexican Casserole.  It is easy and yummy and kids and adults alike seem to love it!

Bea's Taco Casserole:


3 lb. ground chuck
2 pkg Taco seasoning mix
1 15 oz can tomato sauce
1/3 can water
1 can cheddar cheese soup or nacho cheese soup, plus 1 can milk
2 - 5oz pkg Mahatma yellow rice mix
grated cheddar cheese for topping

Brown ground chuck and drain.  Add taco seasoning mix, tomato sauce and 1/3 can water.  Let simmer.  Next, cook rice according to package directions, set aside.  Now in a small pot, mix cheese soup and 1 can milk, stirring until cheese is melted.  Spray Pam into Pyrex dish...I use an oval Pyrex dish that has deep sides.  Place 1 cup of meat sauce in bottom of dish.  Next layer some rice, then spoon half of cheese soup mixture over rice.  Repeat layer ending with cheese soup mixture.  Top with grate cheese.  Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.  Serve with taco chips, lettuce, diced tomatoes, grated cheese, picante sauce and sour cream.  Spoon taco salad onto plate and let guests add their favorite toppings.

This recipe is a nice change from tacos.

"Polka Dot Vases" by Johnel