"Steal Like an Artist" by: Austin Kleon | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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"Garden District Lady" by Johnel - sold - |
The Garden District Girl I painted came from inspiration from the painter van Dongen, I just put my own spin on his style.
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"Doberman" - by Johnel - sold- |
My inspiration came from an artist that showed her paintings at a local art show in my hometown. I bought one of her paintings and still enjoy it.
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"NOLA legs 3" by Johnel - sold - |
My inspiration for this series of paintings came from Betsy Johnson. I love her socks and leggings of which I have several pairs, so I used a backdrop of News Orleans newspapers, worked from photos I took on the streets of New Orleans and also added my own patterns.
"Pin Wheels" by Johnel (the centers of flowers are rolled magazine pages |
"Pink Vase" by Johnel (the centers of these flowers are yellow tissue paper) |
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"Martha's Table" - by Johnel -sold- (These were done with newspaper clippings many years before I discovered Christy Kinard |
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"Kelly & Kevin" - by Johnel - sold- also painted many years ago |
One of my favorite artists is Christy Kinard. I gathered newspaper, old scraps of paper, tissue paper and slivers of old magazines, mod podge and created my own flowers. They are hanging in my home and I love them.
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excerpt from "Steal Like an Artist" by Austin Kleon |
"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery"
This brings me to a book I just discovered while whiling away time on Pinterest. Erika pinned a list for 10 books you should read and her review of "Steal Like An Artist" prompted me to head to the bookstore. So glad I did.
Here is Erika's blog: http://allthingseblog.com/14-books-to-read-in-2014/ and also a link to the author's website: http://austinkleon.com/
I do love my computer, but there is nothing like picking up a book (armed with pen & highlighter) to really feel it. And who knows, maybe it will make you make something, crochet, paint or just feel good.
This passage made we want to jump in the car and head for a park, be one with nature, as the saying goes !
We all love it when magic happens. That new idea for a great project.
Wanderlust is setting in !!!
Keep a praise file. Love this idea. He talks about having dark days and he pulls out his "Praise File" and delights in it, but warns not to get too wound up in past praises for too long.
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"Marry Well"...my favorite page. I am truly grateful for my husband of 28 years. He is the "chosen one" for me. He understands everything, doesn't agree with all, but the ONE THING HE UNDERSTANDS AND AGREES with is my crazy, creative self. He has always stood behind me and pushed me into my painting or whatever my next endeavor might be. He praises my work and puts up with me. He is kind, loving and patient. He loves our home, wherever it might be, and allows my creativity to spew forth on the walls. He says he likes living in an art gallery !
NOW, go out and buy the book !
Here's a link to help with that: http://www.amazon.com/dp/0761169253/?tag=googhydr-20&hvadid=35086388124&hvpos=1t1&hvexid=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10267509561530677855&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=b&hvdev=c&ref=pd_sl_7sfdtixoyi_b
Like stumbling onto a pin on Pinterest and discovering a "good find" !
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