Sunday, September 7, 2014

Do you like #COWS?

My favorite photo.  Obviously the timing for the sunset was perfect ! by:  Johnel

Cow Facts and Cow Trivia


Are cows as innocent as they seem?

  Clink this link to find out !

by:  Johnel

Why the fascination for taking "cow" photos?    Over the past two years, I just can't get enough of cow faces !

by:  Johnel

Mama and baby, by:  Johnel

by:  Johnel

If you are interested CLICK the link below for more cow facts:

by:  Johnel

Looks mean, but I'm sure is very sweet !   by:  Johnel

by:  Johnel

The more cattle photos I take, the more interested I've become in finding the breeds I am photographing. 

Cute spotted nose !  by:  Johnel

Love the hairdo !  by:  Johnel

by:  Johnel

by:  Johnel

Up close and  Johnel

by:  Johnel

Tiger Stripe cows from the DCJ Ranch

My favorite ranch to photograph is the DCJ Ranch in Opelika, AL.  It is a beautiful, sprawling ranch with beautiful pastures as far as the eye can see.


Have taken many photos of this breed and finally decided to look it up.  The name of the breed is definitely appropriate for The Auburn University area !!!  Go Tigers  But these cows are beautiful, sleek and shiny and obviously like being photographed !  Johnel

by:  Johnel

"Moo" by Johnel Logan, sold  - My first attempt at cow painting !  Someone liked it !

by:  Johnel
by:  Johnel

Ain't no  Johnel

I have to mention my camera.   I love it.    #Canon SX50HS, 50x Optical Zoom.  Makes the closeups much easier and it is lightweight, easy to grab and go for the RA hendered shutterbug!

Monday, July 21, 2014

#CRAFTING...w/ #old fabric and #Magazines, really?


Painting by Johnel...using old magazines

I know everyone has old issues of magazines and some newspapers lying around.  Perfect for painting.   A little Mod Podge and paint, that's it.

Here's how you begin.  Curl up in front of the TV with a stack of old magazines and just rip strips to your heart's content.

Magazines I have stripped...stay tuned for the progress of this painting project !

Step 1

Step 2

Sewing strips of fabric and/or paper together

Step 3 - in progress..stay tuned

Make Needlework Finger-Friendly

Apply these smart tricks to solve your crocheting or knitting woes:

Here is the beginning of # 5 Rags to Riches crocheted throw using my yarn stash:

Want to mention my favorite yarns "#Simply Soft" by #Caron...It is soft and a medium weight yarn that mixes well with furry, bobbled and any unique yarn you may have in your stash.  Here are some links for buying Caron yarn on-line:




My best friend, Phyllis and I were laughing during her visit here from Seattle about all the pills we take.  We both pull out our "Pill Bags", which we were each  carrying around multiple bottles of pills in gallon-sized Ziplock bags and began laughing uncontrollably (which we tend to do when we are together) !  So we decided to create a cute bag for crappy pills! 

And, of course, I have a stash of fabric, buttons and ribbon,  along with my yarn stash, SO we begin sewing and embellishing until we came up with our creations!!!!   So all of you RA patients, brighten up your every-day pill-taking drudgery with your leftover materials and get busy !

Pill Bag by: Johnel

Lining of Pill Bag by: Johnel

back of Pill Bag by: Johnel

 Pill Bag by: Phyllis

Back of Pill Bag by: Phyllis

Best Friends

There is nothing better than laughing away your woes with a good friend.  My best friend and I live so far away from each other now, it's hard to get together.    But when we do, it's like we've never been apart.  We have known each other for more than 40 years and have shared our best memories and our worst.  There is not much we don't know about each other and if there is, we just forgot to tell each other.  We can vent to our heart's content and laugh at our mistakes and our hardships we have faced over the years.   No judgments are made.  

We can spill our hearts out and come out feeling better no matter the plight.  I am truly grateful for my best friend !

"Laughter through tears is my favorite emotion" ...Truvy


Crocheted Button Loop


My favorite crochet hooks...are so comfortable and easier to use for #RA crocheters:  #Clover Reflections Crochet Hooks and here's a link to the set I have, but they show no longer available:

There are two sets available and they come in a convenient Lucite case, three hooks in each case.

I'm sure this set of #Clover Crochet Hooks will be a good alternative:

 I have tried numerous brands and these are the winners..lightweight, ergonomically styled and slide easily through your work.  Although, during my research, I have discovered they are very hard to find now.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Heat VS. Cold for Rheumatod Arthritis...

Heat vs. Ice



Some more helpful information provided by #Everyday Health:

Cold Therapy for Rheumatoid Arthritis

If your joints are inflamed, it makes sense that something cold could ease the inflammation and thus the pain. The main benefits of cold therapy are reducing inflammation, swelling, and soreness, as well as temporarily relieving joint pain caused by an arthritis flare.
Like heat therapy, cold therapy comes in several forms. Cold packs that you place directly on an aching joint include everything from the minimalist — bags of frozen peas or gel packs found at the drugstore — to complete systems of coolers, cooling pads, and devices shaped to certain parts of the body, including the knees and back.
Another simple method of cooling the joints is a cool-water soak in a tub — just don't let the water get so cold that you become chilled. And there are widely available over-the-counter cold sprays and ointments, such as Bio Freeze or CryoDerm, that relieve inflammation by numbing the nerves.
One word of caution about cold therapy: If you have Raynaud's syndrome, a condition in which small blood vessels in the fingers or toes constrict when exposed to cold, you probably should not use cold therapy on the affected part of your body. Of course, you should always consult your doctor or physical therapist before trying heat or cold therapy for rheumatoid arthritis.
Follow these guidelines for safely using hot and cold therapy for rheumatoid arthritis:

Tips on Using Heat Therapy for RA

  • Use safe heat sources, including hot towels, hot tubs, showers or baths, hot water bottles, microwaveable hot pads, and electric heating pads.
  • To prevent burns, do not use heat for excessive lengths of time (follow manufacturers' guidelines).
  • When using heating pads or hot water bottles, place a towel or cloth between the heating pad or hot water bottle and your skin.
  • Be careful to check your skin for redness often while applying heat and remove the heat source if redness occurs.
  • Follow all manufacturers' instructions when using a paraffin bath device.

Tips on Using Cold Therapy for RA

  • Use a bag of frozen peas, wrap ice in a thin towel, or use commercially available cold gel packs for cold therapy.
  • Avoid applying ice or cold packs directly to the skin — use a towel or cloth between the cold device and the skin.
  • To avoid frostbite, do not apply cold for more than 15 minutes at a time.
  • Allow your skin to return to normal temperature and color before using cold again.
If you're using one of these hot or cold methods and it doesn't bring relief, or it seems to make your rheumatoid arthritis symptoms worse, talk to your doctor.

More questions about Rheumatoid Arthritis answered by #Mayo Clinic:

MORE FROM #The Arthritis Foundation

Monday, June 23, 2014

#Support Groups for #RA are a bad idea?...#Crochet for your health !


Just a link to an article I found interesting:

I recently joined a couple of Facebook groups made up of people with #Rheumatoid Arthritis because I thought it would be good for me.   I thought it would help me get through the day with people who understood this disease. Some posts are nice and refreshing, but I need to "weed out" the ones that are so disturbing to me.  Remember what works for some people doesn't work for the majority.

But I have noticed that I am more depressed because I am reading more and more and people are sharing more and more.   What's up with this feeling?   I am beginning to think I am one of those people who doesn't need to be in a support group…how can that be?  According to "#Psychology Today", I need to shop around and not feel bad that the group I chose wasn't a "fit" for me.

Also these groups I joined were "on-line" groups and people from all over wanting information, grasping for relief, complaining about doctors, praising doctors and this is all so very depressing (but needed) so it is truly hard to break off from the groups.  When you are also dealing with ISOLATION, like I am, POSITIVE thoughts and posts are needed.

Moving to a new town two years ago was a good idea.  But the more I isolate myself the worse I withdraw from everything.  Let's face it not having any friends where you live is isolating enough.  I love to crochet and have visited the local yarn shop and they were very nice.  So why haven't I gone back to just hang out?  

Well, if you plan an activity, like going to the yarn shop, for tomorrow, you never know how you will feel the next morning.   If you feel well, then go, but if you don't, you can't even try to go.  So that makes you not want to plan the activity the next time.   We all know how frustrating this can be, not only for yourself, but others involved.

I tried to locate a #support group in my area and haven't found one.  I think it would nice to form a group that is small, people have same interests and hobbies to they could meet, have coffee, bring their craft and socialize and not dwell on the negative aspects of this disease.

I know we all need an outlet to discuss the disease, but I believe we need more than that.  We need to be positive, laugh and enjoy each other as well.

 Don't get me wrong, support groups are great and you always love hearing a good report, but when we sit and read about all the disasters it really brings you down.    Everyone is trying to cope with this disease, everyone needs family and friend support, everyone needs a good doctor, everyone ALSO needs positive days too.  

Everyone has "flares" which are awfully painful but I find mine are most often brought on by stress.  You have to admit only reading and "googling" every aspect of this disease can only bring you down.  Give yourself a break and search for the good.   If you are going to read all the negatives every day, when you are finished, read SOMETHING POSITIVE and end on a good note.   It helps !


One of the most important things I find is having a hobby.  If you truly have a lot of time on your hands, #Crochet a #Bus !!!

Check out this link:

  Just discovered this on Google:  Kathryn Vercillo is the author of Crochet Saved My Life

Cannot wait to read and learn more on this subject.  Will update later.

Johnel's photo

SLOW DOWN...Don't get all upset and feel like I am bashing Support Groups, I'm just saying we need to have positive reactions in our day-to-day lives.   Read what you need, but leave the rest behind and end your daily reading on a positive note !